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Al Rio

The Al Rio mixed-use project is a development with a vision of recapturing the waterfront amenities of the Rio de la Plata river with a three-phase plan. Phase one will build upon the immense success of the existing local French hypermarket — Carrefour. This phase will include a 100,000 square meter high-fashion retail center whose primary orientation is toward views to the river.

Phase two will include an integrated set of office towers totaling 50,000 square meters and finally, phase three will complete the development with a 20,000 seat sports and event arena and 200 room high-end boutique/business hotel.

All elements will link the city’s edge to the river and the public amenities of this waterfront redevelopment.

TFO Architecture is now StreetStudio.LA
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Floor Area
150,000 m²
Design Architects
TFO Architecture/Richard Orne,
Los Angeles, CA
Gonzalez-Poggi & Asociados,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ribera Desarrollos SA