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Museum of Paleontology- Central Museum

The program for this project consisted of three major elements:
1. A Central Museum, including scientific facilities
2. Three branch museums
3. Shelters for active “dig sites”

The government of Neuquen province requested a state-wide multi-site museum “identity” that could consolidate the many discovery zones in the different (geographic and political) areas of the state. Our approach was to develop an architectural idea for the central museum that could be extended as a recognizable symbol to the additional buildings that will be located in remote areas throughout the state. We developed a architectural form language for all the museum buildings which attempts to describe a symbolic and literal relationship with the under-ground, and with geologic processes that bring the past to the surface.


Nequen, Argentina
Director of Design
William Taylor, FAIA
Architects of Record
Morris Architects
Government of Nequen Province
Project Type